
Helping to Organize Your Life!

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Welcome to the WebVault.
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Welcome to the WebVault, the premier personal and family organization tool on the Internet. The WebVault was designed to organize different sections of your life. We use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) to encrypt everything you send to the WebVault. This is the same system used by financial institutions to keep people from intercepting and viewing what is sent from your computer. For the Vault section, we also use the highest encryption methods when storing your information in our database.

 • Vault
Here you can organize your personal information such as financial information, travel rewards program, web site logins and passwords, work logins and passwords, and prescription information. Anything that you want to be stored securely can be accessed from anywhere in the world. This information is encrypted from the second you submit up to the way it is securely stored in our databases.

Friends and Family
Based on the concept of social circles, you can store important information about your friends and family and their friends and family. Here you can organize and track your physical assets. Record what you purchase, where you purchased it, serial numbers and warranty information. These records are invaluable when dealing with insurance claims.

Organize your favorite recipes. Send them to friends via email. Record comments and cooking techniques.

In here you can organize and track your physical assets. Record what you purchase, where you purchased it, serial numbers and warranty information. These records are invaluable when dealing with insurance claims and in the WebVault they will never be affected by floods or fire. 

In this section, you can create handy lists to organize your life. These could be task lists, grocery lists, or project lists. Once created in this central location, you can access them from any computer or smartphone.

A one-year subscription to the WebVault can be purchased for $49.95 by selecting "Purchase" from the menu above.
Copyright 705software, LLC 2012